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This page lists a selection of frequently asked questions and answers that should help you in your search.

Content areas

  • How do I know if a product is one of yours?

    Most of our products have the Unilever logo on them – a large U made up of lots of icons that represent our many activities.

  • What types of brands do you have?

    Our brands are found in several main areas: food and drink, home care and personal care. Many of the brands may be familiar to you: Hellmann’s, Surf, Cif, Lux, Comfort… but to find out more, visit the Brands section of this website, which tells you about the stories behind our brands, their sustainability work and their latest news.

  • How much effort does Unilever put into environmental initiatives?

    We take environmental issues very seriously and we are committed to improving and maintaining the integrity of the environment and the communities in every country in which we operate around the world. As a multi-local multinational, we aim to play our part in addressing global environmental and social concerns through our own actions, and working in partnership with stakeholders at local, national and international levels. For more information, please visit the Sustainability section of this website.

  • What is Unilever’s approach to sustainability and the environment?

    In November 2010, we set out the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan, committing to a ten-year journey towards sustainable growth. Our ambitious Plan applies right across the value chain, beyond our own direct operations, both upstream (covering our suppliers) and downstream (covering our consumers and how they use our brands).

    We have set ourselves around 60 targets and aim to improve health, hygiene and nutrition, reduce our environmental impact, enhance livelihoods among our suppliers and ensure our employees can lead healthy lives in safe workplaces that are sustainably run.

  • How does Unilever’s sustainability performance compare with other companies?

    In the Sustainability news section of this website, you can find out about awards we've won and how we rate in a number of corporate responsibility rankings and indexes.

  • How can I apply for funding for a small environment project?

    To find out more about funding for environment projects, please visit your local Unilever which you can find using the map on our contact page.

  • Where can I get more information about Unilever products in my own country?

    The brands section contains information about all our brands and you can view the brands available in your country.

  • I suffer from various allergies. How do I know if your products are suitable for me?

    The formulation of our brands varies from country to country, so you need to contact the local careline in the country you live in. Go to the 'Change location' link at the top of this page and then select the country you want - or contact us directly.

  • Could you supply me with a list of products that are free from dairy ingredients?

    The formulation of our brands varies from country to country, so you need to contact the local careline in the country you live in. Find your local careline - or contact us directly.

  • I would like to complain about one of your products – what is the procedure?

    We are sorry to hear that you appear to be experiencing problems with one of our products. Please contact us directly.

  • Could you send me samples or coupons for your products?

    Please contact your local Unilever careline to see if free samples or coupons are being distributed. You can find their details from our contacts page.

  • Could you add me to your mailing list to hear about any special deals or promotions you are offering?

    Please contact your local Unilever website to check whether there are any special deals or promotions available in your country. You can find their details from our contacts page.

  • Would Unilever be interested in selling products direct to consumers?

    Please contact your local Unilever office to inquire about this. You can find their details from our contacts page.

  • Does Unilever test any of its products on animals?

    Our commitment to ending animal testing is under-pinned by our research since the 1980s to develop alternatives to animal tests for assessing safety. We routinely use a wide range of non-animal approaches to assess the safety of our products for consumers. We do not test our products on animals, but occasionally some ingredients we use have been tested to meet government requirements. A few governments still test our products on animals in their own laboratories, and we are working with these authorities to help them adopt non-animal approaches.

    Our leading-edge research has one clear purpose: to continue to develop new non-animal approaches that can guarantee our products are safe. We are making good progress in developing a non-animal approach for assessing the safety of ingredients that may cause skin allergy. Information about our research strategy and partners is available on our Safety Science in the 21st Century website. Find out more

  • Can you tell me how to apply for a job at Unilever?

    Information about career opportunities offered by Unilever can be found in the Careers section of this website.

  • Do you have a Unilever supplier programme?

    For more information about Unilever supplier programmes, please contact your local Unilever website. Go to the Change location box at the top of this page and then select the country you want.

  • I wish to suggest a business proposal to you. How do I go about it?

    We partner with external organisations – individuals, businesses, existing suppliers, universities or NGOs – to research and develop new products in an approach called Open Innovation.

    Read more here about Open Innovation and find out what we are looking for – our challenges and wants.

    Our company European Ventures Ltd – the European venture capital arm of Unilever – partners with entrepreneurs to develop products, new distribution channels and marketing technologies in the following areas: technologies linked to sustainability; personal care products and distribution; digital marketing; novel foods; and health and vitality. To find out more, visit the Unilever Ventures website where there are full details and a section on online submissions.

  • Do you market to children?

    All our promotional activities follow our clearly defined principles of communication and we are committed to responsible marketing and advertising. In particular, the principles contain requirements for marketing foods and beverages directed at children to ensure that we do not exploit a child’s imagination or inexperience or encourage unhealthy dietary habits. Go to the Advertising and Marketing pages of this site to find out more. And we don’t market to children under the age of six years, who lack the cognitive ability to distinguish between advertising/marketing and programming.

  • I am interested in finding out more about the history of Unilever. How did the Company begin?

    Unilever has a rich and colourful history spanning more than 70 years. Unilever was formed in 1930 when the Dutch margarine company, Margarine Unie, merged with British soapmaker Lever Brothers. Both companies were competing for the same raw materials, both were involved in the large-scale marketing of household products and both used similar distribution channels. Between them they had operations in over 40 countries. Lever Brothers was founded in 1885 by William Hesketh Lever. Lever established soap factories around the world. In 1917, he began to diversify into foods, acquiring fish, ice cream and canned foods businesses.

    You can find out more in our history section.

  • I am doing a project on health & nutrition. Do you have any literature on the subject?

    Information on this topic can be found in the Health & hygiene pages in the Sustainable living section of this website. For example, our Lifebuoy brand is active in educational campaigns on hygienic practices.

    Our ongoing Nutrition Enhancement Programme is raising the bar as we make our food products healthier.

  • Can you please send me regular updates?

    If you would like to receive regular news updates, please visit our Media Centre section where you can sign up for press releases.

    Alternatively, visit your local Unilever website where you can sign up to receive local news.

  • How do I get in touch with local brand companies to discuss sponsorship opportunities?

    Please put your proposal in writing and send it to your local Unilever office. You will find an online contact form on the country website – go to the Change location box at the top of this page and then select the country you want. Country websites have a ‘Contact us’ link in the footer of most pages.

  • How do I apply for sponsorship funding?

    You need to apply at the level of your local Unilever company. You will find an online contact form on the country website – go to the Change location box at the top of this page and then select the country you want. Country websites have a ‘Contact us’ link in the footer of most pages.

  • Would you be willing to make a donation of your products to our charitable organisation?

    Any donations are made by our local companies. To inquire about this, please approach the country via the online contact form on the country website – go to the Change location box at the top of this page and then select the country you want. Country websites have a ‘Contact us’ link in the footer of most pages.

  • How do I advise you of my change of address?

    If you are a PLC shareholder, please send your current address, your new address and your share details to the address:

    Computershare Investor Services PLC Registrars for Unilever PLC The Pavilions Bridgwater Road Bristol BS99 7NH Telephone 0870 600 3977 (UK only) Telephone: +44 (0)870 600 3977 Fax: 0870 703 6119 (UK only) Fax: +44 (0)870 703 6119

    For all other change of addresses, please visit the Investor Centre of this website and see the Shareholder FAQs for more information.

  • Can you tell me what Unilever's dividend payment will be this year?

    The Investor Centre of this website has a section on dividends which gives a link to the dividend calendar which varies from year to year.

  • Who could advise me on the value of my shares?

    Share prices are given on the first page of the Investor Centre section of this website. We also provide graphical information on share prices and share price calculators that enable you to work out the value of your shares.

  • Can you send me a hard copy of your Annual Report & Accounts?

    The Unilever Annual Report and Accounts are available to view and print from the Annual Reports pages of the Investor Centre section of this website.

    You can also request a hard copy of the Annual Reports.

  • Can you explain the differences between Unilever shares in the UK & the US?

    An American Depositary Receipt or ADR is a negotiable instrument that represents ownership in securities of a non-US company. It is a mechanism that facilitates US trading of non-US securities. ADRs provide US investors with a convenient way to invest in overseas securities. ADRs are issued by a depositary bank and are traded in the same manner as shares in US companies on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), Nasdaq and the over-the-counter (OTC) market.

  • Can you explain the difference between Unilever shares in the Netherlands & the US?

    An NV NY shareholder is a shareholder in Unilever NV. There is no difference between an NV NY share and an NV ordinary share other than that the NY shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NV ordinary shares (in bearer form or certificate) are listed on the stock exchange in Amsterdam and the dividends on the NY shares are paid in USD.

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