The year 2020 brought along many unpresented problems. Although the use of disposable masks was the temporary solution to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, but the surging plastic usage it sparked has also had an adverse effect on our environment.
It comes as no surprise that the uncountable carelessly disposed-off face masks, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other plastic waste are adding to the already high levels of pollution in the country, which also appears as a high-risk health factor, considering the pandemic is still on a rise.
Plastic has its place and that is not in the environment
Unilever Pakistan, as one of the biggest global consumer company, has pledged its commitment to a waste-free world and continues to put in efforts to minimize plastic waste. We are on track to ensure our packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. With our move towards a circular economy, we ensure that we not only manage our plastic waste better but also to rethink our packaging model to use less plastic as well as manage the waste in a better way.
Rahim Yar Khan - Zero Plastic Waste City
As part of Unilever Pakistan’s sustainable goals, UNDP and Unilever have joined hands to work towards enabling a plastic waste management ecosystem in the city of Rahim Yar Khan. This place has a key importance to Unilever as its first and largest factory in Pakistan has recently been declared to become a “Zero Plastic Waste City by 2025”. Unilever recognized its part in the plastic waste cycle and has worked towards giving back to its home city by providing a model that can be replicated across the country over the years. UNDP and Unilever is working together towards making this goal a reality.
Time to get Drastic with Plastic
Along with Unilever Pakistan, several of Pakistan’s renowned celebrities and influencers have also raised this issue and are putting in their part to raise awareness such as Shaniera Akram and Sarwat Gilani. They used their platforms to point out how much more still needs to be done, despite the continuous efforts in being more mindful about plastic consumption.
Time to rethink our relationship with plastic
Having recognized plastic waste as a huge problem and taking responsibility for its action has not been an easy task. However, Unilever has developed a strategy to cut down on plastic globally and also to collect and process more packaging than it sells.
It’s time we rethink our relationship with plastic.
It’s time we #FaceThePlastic.